Clubhouse Community of Hope
Building Community

“I wish that I had had access to a clubhouse years ago when my mental illness began. I don’t think that I would have had as many hospitalizations or ECT treatments. I feel that I would have been better prepared to return to the work community if I had the support of a clubhouse community. I love being a part of the start-up group in Aiken, South Carolina. I look forward to the day when Clubhouse Community of Hope opens. I am planning to be a part of the kitchen crew and am excited about making cake for the members and staff at Clubhouse Community of Hope.” – Traci Todd

OUR MISSION is to provide a safe and thriving place where members are filled with hope as they rediscover their ability to live, laugh, love and learn.
People around the world suffer from mental disorders-more than cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
There are over 706,000 individuals (5 times the population of Charleston) across our state living with severe or persistent mental illness. In Aiken County, there are more than 750 individuals being seen at Aiken Barnwell Mental Health Center with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
According to the Aiken County Coroner, the number of deaths by suicide is continuing to increase, with year-to-date totals for 2024 having already surpassed year-to-date totals for 2023. Even one suicide is too many.
What is Clubhouse International?
The Clubhouse model began in New York in 1948 with Fountain House and has grown nationally and internationally as a holistic (addressing the whole person) approach empowering people living with mental illness.
A Clubhouse is a community-based service dedicated to supporting and empowering people living with mental illness, known as Clubhouse members. Based on the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation, each Clubhouse offers a collaborative, restorative environment where Clubhouse members can recover by gaining access to opportunities for employment, socialization, education, skill development, housing and improved wellness.
Clubhouse Saves Lives
- A 33% reduction in hospitalizations and 70% reduction in hospital days per year for members compared to the general population living with a mental health diagnosis.
- A 42% employment rate, double that of those in the public mental health system, with nearly 3 times the earning potential of those in the public mental health system.
- 33%-50% cost savings compared to alternative models. Average annual cost per member of clubhouses is $3,684 compared to $6,818-$8,661 for community mental health centers, $11,668 for Assertive Community Treatment or Individual Place and Support, and $13,376 for vocational rehabilitation. One year of member participation in a local clubhouse costs less than two days in a local hospital.
A Day at the Clubhouse
At the Clubhouse, each day’s activities are structured like a day in the workplace, “a work-ordered day.” You will find staff and members working side-by-side, creating a culture of meaning where members are needed rather than treated. By participating in the Work-Ordered Day, a sense of structure and purpose is restored in members’ lives, as they move towards greater health, resilience, and independence.

Why Clubhouse Aiken?
community-based environment where members can voluntarily engage in meaningful work, build relationships, access critical services that promote overall well-being, and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.
with the ongoing support of the clubhouse, members may go on to complete their education, take advantage of opportunities for supported employment and eventually return to independent living and employment.
provide support and education for families, build awareness and reduce stigma in the community.
Rediscover How To Live, Laugh, Love, and Learn Again.
All CCOH members have followed vastly different paths to get here. Some were referred by doctors, others by family members, and others found us on their own.
If you believe that you, a loved one, or a patient would benefit from becoming a CCOH member, the first step is to contact us so we can walk you through the referral process.
Overflow Foundation
Clubhouse Community of Hope
Director Terry Lee
Email address:
Visit our Website:
3100 Vaucluse Road, Family Life Building, Aiken, SC 29801
PO Box 383, Aiken, SC, 29802